King Ajaa Biography, Real Name, Age, Top Songs, Net Worth, Origin, & More

King Ajaa Biography, Real Name, Age, Top Songs, Net Worth, Origin, & More

Who is King Ajaa?

Kelechi Odom John the professional Nigerian singer goes by his stage name King Ajaa. He grew up in Surulere, Lagos State, and is presently 29 years old.

King Ajaa’s Biography

The uprising star is a known rapper and songwriter from a young age. His love for music can be traced back to when he was very young. He was always seen rapping to songs as he listened on the television or radio. The likes of Lil Wayne were one of his favorites.

While he was growing up in the streets of Surulere, he had some ups and down. Specifically, coping with life and managing his musical career.

Kelechi Odom John had to work hard to balance going to school and working part-time to be able to survive. Even when he was already in his 20s, the talented artist was still not visible to wide
audience yet.

It wasn’t until early January 2020, he was discovered by the popular superstar Davido. In 2020, he was signed into the 30BG DMW Record Label. Ever since then, King Ajaa has made remarkable collaborations with various top artists. The likes of Perruzi, Davido, Som, and many others.

He recently dropped a single titled ‘Shin Shin’ produced by Princeton Beatz. To date, King Ajaa is making his mark in the music industry, 2023 is a year to watch out for what the promising young lad has in store.

Top Songs from King Ajaa

  • I like
  • Pass you feat Perruzi
  • Mama feat Som
  • Gaga feat Davido
  • 30bg
  • Balance feat Badboy Maiz
  • Raunchy feat Badman Chorus
  • Good Time

SEE: Top Songs From Khaid

King Ajaa’s Social Media Handle


How old is King Ajaa?

He was born on April 29th, 1994, and presently in 2023, he is 29 years old.

Where is King Ajaa from?

He is originally a native of the Eastern part of Nigeria, but he was bred in Surulere, Lagos State.

What is King Ajaa’s net worth?

He has an estimated worth of over $10000.


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